Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

I make my own spring

Now that the haze has cleared up considerately -finally! - it sure does look (a little) like it's spring in Malaysia! Wow I'm really getting into the seasons thing aren't I. Haha. But seriously, there are flowers that look very much like cherry blossoms growing around the area where I live and pictures of those are a little tricky since they're along the roads. So here, I coordinated what I think would look like a spring outfit - is faux leather spring-like? I dunno - with my black booties speaking of which I really think I need to start buying shoes of different colours. Also I wore a bright highlighter-like coral lip which had gradually faded.

 Excuse my messy hair ok I was among the masses in Ikea for a few hours.
(Top Topshop Skirt HM)


Then I spent the night flipping through a fashion mag and inhaling green apple scent from my newly bought candle. My kind of quiet night. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Modern times

Some pictures from two weeks back. My sister takes the nicest candid (and the derpiest) of me. But yeah, this kimono, I'm loving it. I really do love my jackets/outerwears- they are top on my essentials list. I do think this looks best (maybe) with a long sleeved dress or sweater but alas, this weather! :( And I also realised I've been wearing a lot of monochromes lately - oh look it's a black jacket and a striped tee again - but I don't usually wear a lot of blacks, not often so I think that was why I threw in an orange there. Am I exuding Japanese vibes here?

Sunday, March 16, 2014


I've been writing SO much this past month and the most recent one being a script which was muy importante and probably the most meaningful one of the lot. Which was also a first for me. In fact, I had also written my very first poem or more like a free verse anyway. Now I'm really not gonna lie and say it felt natural for me or like I was super exited to write or had the best time whilst at it because surprise! it's none of the above. Strangely even after I decided this is where I'm heading into next, I struggled. At times, I even had to push myself to do it. And in those times, it also felt like a chore. (But then again, I guess it's like homework. They always feel like chores.) Buuuut, it felt so fulfilling when someone had read something I've written and told me they liked it. UGH I WAS SO HAPPY T_T People always told me I never really had to work hard for something (I guess they're right somewhat) and yeah I guess it does feel good to finally push myself and see the fruits of my labor hehe. I hope this is for me or that I at least see it through.