Monday, February 24, 2014


I was on singing duty yesterday in church so that means semi formal-ish. While I don't usually wear pants pants to anywhere - in fact I don't even own a pair and neither am I in a hurry to get one not now anyways - I found these gem pants in my mom's closet hurrah! They're pretty structured and fits well that I love them and probably will borrow them sometime again. Now I can put 'go pants shopping' off the list for a while. And well my hair, my sister did it (I can't even braid properly) and let's just say she's in a race against time before I chop it all off.

Vacant souls

If you wake up with no hopes and expectations, you wake up to nothing.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I take my mind off

Mom came in to ask if I needed company. I told her I was fine. I am fine.

Currently reading Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I'm going reaaally slow at it, approx 15 pages a day. There are freaking 600 pages and it's gonna take me 53892705 more days to finish. Sorry I can't math anymore.

Currently watching The Walking Dead s04e09. What the butt is this season? I hate this season.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2/? of my mind

I've been meaning to write this for the longest time ever since I saw that one tumblr post about depression which had unsettled me quite a bit. Maybe not intentional, but some texts I thought were a little shallow. Like the sickness of a body, it's a sickness of the mind. No matter how little someone suffers from it, I don't think it gives anyone the right to undermine it. And yea you may say, it's simple really because the only way you can get out of it is to just literally get your mind out of it. No? Do you just tell someone who is say suffering from a physical illness to just get over it? No. What these people need is love, support and time not judgement. Open your eyes (and mind tbh) and look closely, it's happening all around, faster and deadlier than any cancerous cell. It. Is. Real. And if you're still throwing mindless words like these around, please, you're painfully ignorant.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So I'm sitting here - been for a few hours now - trying to write something and for some reason I just can't. Words form but somehow sentences slip away and my grammar is just all over the place. I'm feeling distracted and more unsure each day than the last. Can I really take this on? If I can't write something so simple, how will I do it for the next few years or so.