Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'd like to say I'm very selective, yup, that's the word (like a semi-permeable membrane ha ha *nerd glasses) which explains why if I like something, I listen to the same thing again and again. And the best part is! I don't even get bored easily. There are only so many that I can say I actually like and by my (probable) definition: if it makes me feel something or makes me wanna write on something. I guess I'm not a venture-person which really, justifies the fact that I am indeed lazy.

So anyway, enough of me, everything's about me me me me me, let's talk Muuuuuse!

Now this, I like! It makes me feel like I'm losing my sanity bit by bit over time but I guess we all need some'o that. Panic Station and The 2nd Law of something something; man, crazy stuff.

Also, finally heard The Killers' Battle Born, same ol' sound which I, very loikes.

Harpie Tusday, everyone!

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