Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello Time!

Hai guiseeee! The holidays are doing me good. Plenty of time to think, bercouch potato-ing and sleepz!

So yesterday the (slightly autistic, some more than others) kids of class PM14 went to La-la-laaagooooonnn! It's really been a while since I've been there and this could possibly be the first time with da friends. Honestly, I've been loving my class more these days. I had my doubts the first few weeks, I didn't think I'd like them that much but I'm glad I do now. Bryan, the loud and sometimes autistic kid. Ee Jian, boy who counted his name wrongly. And even Alvin, super nerd who isn't all that nerd after all. :)

It was great! With the bad haze and hot crap weather, the cold water felt really good. I want to say that it was relaxing but it wasn't! I came back with a migraine and REALLY SORE LIMBS THAT I  COULDN'T SLEEP LAST NIGHT. HAHA. This really says something about my fitness level actually. :D

  • A PM14 holiday
Sou, that leaves
  • Writing up my long-postponed-that if I do not pass up again my teacher is going to eat me-testimonial by this Sat night. A decent one. Yeap no problem.
  • Watch at least half of Game of Thrones and Desperate Housewives or Saphna is going to spoil the damn ending!
  • Read at least half of the first book of Sherlock LAWL I KNOW. MY SLOW READING HABIT IS BACK.
  • Catch up with the canteen gang! OMG IT HAZ BEEN FOREVER.
  • Do a good amount of thinking, planning, something.
  • Rebuild a relationship with God.
Okay, so this is where I stop and say I'm being realistic here with the halves and everything! Haha. I have two weeks SO CALL ME teeehee.


  1. HI LILIAN DEAR! You're blogging again! I just happened to come across your blog and there were so many new posts and it made me so happy teehee. I hope you haven't forgotten me already or anything. IT'S KATE HERE. HI. I'm not some crazy stalker okay? Hahaha.

    And YOU MUST READ ALL OF THE FIRST BOOK OF SHERLOCK. Not half. Otherwise you'll be super-confused later if you forget the story. (Sorry, I'm just a wee bit obsessed with Sherlock. Only a very little bit. What do you mean I'm insanely in love with all things Sherlock Holmes? No. Me no comprendez.) But yeah, it's a great book. Holmes and Watson aren't in about half of the book, so if you're reading it for them, I'd suggest The Adventures and Memoirs and things like that instead, not the full-length novel. But A Study in Scarlet is great, because you get to see how Holmes and Watson meet for the first time and everything!

    This is a terribly long comment. I am sorry. I really like Sherlock Holmes. It wasn't obvious at all, was it? HEE. Anyway, I love you okay thank you bye bye.

    1. HAHAHAHA hi darlingz!! It's been a whileee :D I THINK I've only read the first case in The Adventures! But then again, I read so slow now I don't even know what I read. HAHA. I bought the memoirs as well but the novel!! Ok I must go buy it soon :D AND I love you too :)
