Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Don't Know If

I think I'm slowly becoming one of those people who despises - maybe despise is too strong of a word - human contact or in fact, any kind of human interaction for that matter. Don't feel like small talks or even the effort of making them, don't really want to know how one's day went, don't feel like giving responses to any sort of questions and anytime I do go out, I just feel like going back home.

I'd rather now stay in bed all day long, read things and scroll through tumblr, stay in my virtual reality, play a little tetris like a programmed machine, listen to the same things on a small repeat loop, find things to do on the iPod, anything and sometimes I get a little desperate whilst so.

And the scariest and truest part, is that I'm okay with this.

Also, my sleeping problem is back.

Which is usually resolved if I tire my eyes on my iPod in the dark and only then, I fall asleep.

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