Friday, September 14, 2012

Norm and Content

In all honesty, I'll miss Singapore. I love Malaysia, I do, but people back home are getting me really riled up and not in a good way with that outrageous gay-lesbian article. I mean, are some people THAT uneducated?

On a lighter and very much happier note, the past week has been a dream. I've been walking, taking the train everyday and it was wonderful, I loved it. Things are happening on the street, I'm crossing the road with other people and it makes me feel so alive. No agenda, I wake up and rush for the breakfast buffet(sometimes I oversleep and miss it), I'm a regular so people in the hotel actually talk to me(the doorman even waves at me from afar), I walk out to the (proper)bus stop and decide where to go for the day, sometimes I just walk out for fun, walk anywhere and everywhere. I come home mid-afternoon and wait for my dad, we walk around while deciding where to have dinner, count our coins to buy Gongcha and buy chicken for supper then, take a bus back home. I can't help but think this is what life should be. It's beautiful, it really is.

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